Friday, May 18, 2007

sickness and light

crap... I'm sick. That one where your body gets all tender, and your joints hate to move. It started last night at about 8pm, at the start of one of my classes. I think I must have looked like quasimodo in the corner, cos I hardly said a word all night. Thank god that they had some writing and revision to do! I doubt I could have told the difference between any of the grammar tenses, subtle nuances etc...

Today, I've been spending the day outside, cos I feel nice and warm! It's times like this that I'm glad I'm not in NZ... bloody cold!

I think it began because yesterday I was a painter. I mean, I was painting the house, the school and myself. I picked my nose today (as you do) and pulled out some paint and chips from sanding down the wall... think that's how I got sick... snorting paint fumes all day...

crap... and no high either. Just a major loooooow...

So, I am resorting to a medicine which I know works wonders on low energy and a slow brain - coke. Since I've given up alcohol (3 weeks now and not missing it a bit), I've rediscovered coke, however, I must remain vigilant, and not let it get carried away. I must have a predisposition to addiction... all at once or not at all seems to be my way.



Chiwi said...

Which also means... I have to live with bleches!!

The Philip Bee'Ch said...

why u quite alcohol? weird!