Saturday, May 05, 2007

been a long time...

It's been a long time between blogs...

I think I just wanted to leave it alone, and still pretend I was in New Zealand...

Well, it was a great trip, with family and friends having a ball at my sister's wedding. Unfortunately, she and her new husband came down with dengue fever while on honeymoon! Only a few weeks later, she also had her appendix rupture. She was admitted to hospital, went thru the usual checks, and was promptly given an operation to take it out. Of course, with the lack of investment in New Zealand's health system (like almost every other country), she was discharged too soon, and that resulted in her having a major infection. More antibiotics, drips and pain. She's better now, but after 2 months of trouble.

Things have been interesting here in Malaysia too. I've resumed my studies, now that I have more time, I've been getting to the gym more regularly and I've given up alcohol. That last one is definitely gonna be hard when all the usual holidays come knocking, but I really feel that it's time.

There has been the usual laughable politics here, by (buy)-elections and political disasters which will always be ignored or swept under the carpet. Honestly, if they offered me permanent residence here tomorrow, I'd insist on the right to run for parliament. If they didn't allow me to do that, I'd say 'no thanks, you can keep your PR - I only want to live in a country where I can make a difference and am appreciated'.

The kids are good, getting into constant mischief. Caleb is learning to speak more words, and Kaitlyn is beginning to do as she's told! Not easy for little princess, but I'm not bringing up another Paris Hilton! There are enough spoilt brats here.

Hope everyone's been well, and if you have been waiting for another blog from me, sorry for the delay. I simply couldn't get the motivation up to write about anything!

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