Saturday, May 19, 2007


So in the Star newspaper today, I see that another Brit is travelling around the world in an unusual way. They have a tendency to do that. But what made me read it was the caption about how NZ trukkies were the worst he had seen in the world. I couldn't agree more, much as it pains me.
I think truck drivers the world over have an overly aggressive attitude, otherwise who would wanna drive such a lumbering and inconvenient piece of shit such as a truck?
Either that, or it's a case of 'small-penis-syndrome' and trying to be the biggest guy around.

Regardless of ALL the regulations and enforcement of trucks in NZ, it still baffles me how they can be seen as the worst - albeit just one guy's opinion. I mean, I live in Malaysia, and trust me, the trucks here make the kiwi one's look good. But still, I don't compare NZ to Malaysia when it comes to road stats...

I was in NZ during Feb (as if you didn't know), and did some driving around. I encountered many trucks, but to me, they were as well behaved as you could imagine. But I have to say, that was more my view in relation to my experiences of Malaysian trucks.

Regardless, something needs to be done to limit the trucks on NZ roads, indeed everywhere. If someone out there has a good idea for something which will replace trucks, then lets hear it.

Friday, May 18, 2007

sickness and light

crap... I'm sick. That one where your body gets all tender, and your joints hate to move. It started last night at about 8pm, at the start of one of my classes. I think I must have looked like quasimodo in the corner, cos I hardly said a word all night. Thank god that they had some writing and revision to do! I doubt I could have told the difference between any of the grammar tenses, subtle nuances etc...

Today, I've been spending the day outside, cos I feel nice and warm! It's times like this that I'm glad I'm not in NZ... bloody cold!

I think it began because yesterday I was a painter. I mean, I was painting the house, the school and myself. I picked my nose today (as you do) and pulled out some paint and chips from sanding down the wall... think that's how I got sick... snorting paint fumes all day...

crap... and no high either. Just a major loooooow...

So, I am resorting to a medicine which I know works wonders on low energy and a slow brain - coke. Since I've given up alcohol (3 weeks now and not missing it a bit), I've rediscovered coke, however, I must remain vigilant, and not let it get carried away. I must have a predisposition to addiction... all at once or not at all seems to be my way.


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Monday, May 07, 2007

street names

A loooong time ago, in fact the first week I moved here to little ol' Sitiawan, I encountered a uniquely Malaysian problem. Street names, or the lack of them.

I was looking for some food for my darling wife, and was a little lost. I rang her and she asked me where I was. I looked, looked and looked for a road sign. None. Malaysians aren't too fond of naming roads. And when they do, they put the sign rather low, so that if a car is parked in front of it, you would be hard pressed to see it.

However, fortune was on my side, and I saw the sign I was looking for. I told Dee 'Jalan Sehala', thinking I was rather clever... she said 'yeah, but where?' 'Jalan Sehala woman!' 'Do you know how many 'Jalan Sehala' there are??? That means one-way white man!'... needless to say I was still lost.

The Fuzz...

Riding to work this morning, on the 150 scooter, I came around a corner and lo, there was the fuzz. No signs, no cones, just 4 blokes waiting to catch naughty bike riders without helmets etc. Or so I thought...

I was signalled to pull over, just routine(!), and was expecting to answer the usual questions about my licence etc. However, as soon as the first fuzz saw my skin colour (oh, Putih!), he promptly told me to 'go go go'. I duly said thanks, and took off. They were looking for some 'duit kopi' I'm sure. I think the Chinese dude next to me said a quiet 'thanks' to my presence too because he was shooed away also!

I also noticed they didn't have their normal 'saya anti-rasuah' badges on. Guess it was 'saya rasuah' after all! Hehehe... hope they get a pay-rise soon, cos they obviously can't afford to live on what they earn now!

I don't really blame them these days, although I still frown on it. I can see both sides of the problem. At least it wasn't a completely boring morning eh?

Saturday, May 05, 2007

been a long time...

It's been a long time between blogs...

I think I just wanted to leave it alone, and still pretend I was in New Zealand...

Well, it was a great trip, with family and friends having a ball at my sister's wedding. Unfortunately, she and her new husband came down with dengue fever while on honeymoon! Only a few weeks later, she also had her appendix rupture. She was admitted to hospital, went thru the usual checks, and was promptly given an operation to take it out. Of course, with the lack of investment in New Zealand's health system (like almost every other country), she was discharged too soon, and that resulted in her having a major infection. More antibiotics, drips and pain. She's better now, but after 2 months of trouble.

Things have been interesting here in Malaysia too. I've resumed my studies, now that I have more time, I've been getting to the gym more regularly and I've given up alcohol. That last one is definitely gonna be hard when all the usual holidays come knocking, but I really feel that it's time.

There has been the usual laughable politics here, by (buy)-elections and political disasters which will always be ignored or swept under the carpet. Honestly, if they offered me permanent residence here tomorrow, I'd insist on the right to run for parliament. If they didn't allow me to do that, I'd say 'no thanks, you can keep your PR - I only want to live in a country where I can make a difference and am appreciated'.

The kids are good, getting into constant mischief. Caleb is learning to speak more words, and Kaitlyn is beginning to do as she's told! Not easy for little princess, but I'm not bringing up another Paris Hilton! There are enough spoilt brats here.

Hope everyone's been well, and if you have been waiting for another blog from me, sorry for the delay. I simply couldn't get the motivation up to write about anything!