Saturday, May 19, 2007


So in the Star newspaper today, I see that another Brit is travelling around the world in an unusual way. They have a tendency to do that. But what made me read it was the caption about how NZ trukkies were the worst he had seen in the world. I couldn't agree more, much as it pains me.
I think truck drivers the world over have an overly aggressive attitude, otherwise who would wanna drive such a lumbering and inconvenient piece of shit such as a truck?
Either that, or it's a case of 'small-penis-syndrome' and trying to be the biggest guy around.

Regardless of ALL the regulations and enforcement of trucks in NZ, it still baffles me how they can be seen as the worst - albeit just one guy's opinion. I mean, I live in Malaysia, and trust me, the trucks here make the kiwi one's look good. But still, I don't compare NZ to Malaysia when it comes to road stats...

I was in NZ during Feb (as if you didn't know), and did some driving around. I encountered many trucks, but to me, they were as well behaved as you could imagine. But I have to say, that was more my view in relation to my experiences of Malaysian trucks.

Regardless, something needs to be done to limit the trucks on NZ roads, indeed everywhere. If someone out there has a good idea for something which will replace trucks, then lets hear it.


De Kiwi said...

good to see you posting again! :)

The Philip Bee'Ch said...

yes... good to see u posting again. at least i have some interesting things to read. :)

Simple American said...

Solar powered hover crafts? Okay I overdosed on Star Wars.

Just taking a peek at your place. Have visited your missus blog and did not realize you had a blog until I saw your link at hijackqueen's blog. Howdy.