Monday, March 20, 2006 disgusting...

Having breakfast at the local 'kopi' shop, feeding Caleb when the Chinese man sitting at the table next to us decides to have a good cough. Didn't cover his mouth and seemed to aim it straight at my son! I almost stuck my chopstick into his ear. Filthy man. Is it any wonder all the worlds diseases come from China or asian countries??? Are they mentally and physically incapable of good manners, or decent hygiene?
The drains outside the shop this morning stank like the local rubbish dump, the haze is returning and it's just horrible... then you see nice patriotic (dorky and naive) songs on tv with young malaysians singing how proud they are of their country. And the place smells like a sewer... one minute they are all nationalistic and rah rah rah about malaysia, the next they are chucking their rubbish out the window, behaving no better than the stray dogs and are scared of losing 'face'?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I don't get asian mentality, and don't know if I will... sigh... so difficult.!


Anonymous said...

Man, if that gets to you, you wouldn't want to come here to China.

Anonymous said...

What a great site »