Friday, August 18, 2006

and in the news...

News from home...

The Maori Queen, Dame Te Atairangikaahu, died on Monday after a short illness. She was 80 years old - I think. She was on the Maori throne for over 40 years. Her Tangi (funeral) will be held at the Turangawaewae Marae in Ngarawhahia on Saturday.

Bloke hooks 317kg Tuna off coast near Hokitika. This will get the illegal fishermen running for NZ faster than a boat full of naked blondes yelling "god I'm drunk"... The fishermans comments were as follows: "I walked around for a while like a stunned mullet, then I had a beer. I was knackered...".

Asian students in NZ turning to hard drugs.
Apparently the police in NZ are doing such a good job of stopping asian student extortion, they've given up on that idea saying it's 'no longer profitable'... These overseas students, almost entirely from either China or Malaysia, are so bored with the lack of shopping and internet cafe's, they've turned to kidnapping and extortion of other asian students to keep their minds busy.
The Asian community in NZ has to be taught that it is 'OK' to go to the police if they are the victims of crime, because the police will do their job.
WHAT ON EARTH ARE THE POLICE IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES DOING THEN? I live in Malaysia, and I have an idea. They are often guilty of 'doing what's easy, not what's right'.

Nice wee rant!

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