Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Our new business

We've just started a new business, divineMums, which is our clothing company which designs breastfeeding tops! We have 7 designs, of which 3 are already on the way.
Since having 2 kids, and Dee breastfeeding both, we noticed a major lack of clothing which makes breastfeeding easy and discreet. So we decided a while ago to make our own stuff!
Most mothers will tell you how hard it is to find tops which allow you to feed without flopping out the whole breast for the world to see... so we've solved that one!

If anyone wants to have a gander, go to www.divinemums.com and you'll see the designs and colours. If you want to order any, just order online through our website.

Take the time to have a look, especially if you're a mum considering breastfeeding - it IS THE MOST natural way to nourish your baby - don't believe all the advertising gimmicks for baby formula out there! Nature has had it sorted out for eons; what makes you think some chemistry nerd can do any better??????


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