It seems that liberal, left-wing governments all over the world are pretty much doomed. This is most obvious in the UK, and is also either happening, or has already happened in Canada, NZ, Japan, Germany, France and Spain. The reasons are many, from rising religious-ness, tiredness of social engineering, or simply a desire for change.
In NZ's case, we have gone through nearly 9 years of the Helen Clark-led Labour governments agenda of feminisation, social engineering and now corruption. The dying gasps of her government are to be heard all over the country, with one issue after another coming up with un-ending regularity. I for one, am certainly relieved. She has lied, covered up, spun, decieved and coerced so many people, all for her hidden agenda of getting the top job at the UN, that the country would be in ruins, along with it's reputation, were it not for the fact that most New Zealanders are quite simply ignoring the governments plans and ideas. We know our country, and we certainly don't want a singapore-style nanny-state, with all the freedoms (sic) that that country enjoys.
The first signs of corruption under Labour occured some 2 years ago, when Helen Clark sold a painting supposedly painted by her for charity - only to find out that it was not painted by her, just
signed by her. This wouldn't be too bad, as it's really a non-issue, but it was the start of a pattern of corruption by her that would give the opposition sooo much ammunition, it's actually hard to understand why they
lost the election...
Hard on the heals of the painting episode, was her speeding cavalcade to a
rugby match. She made her police officer drivers take the heat, getting suspended licences and such, while she lied on tv and in the other media that 'I didn't realise we were going that speed'... we clearly must be a very ignorant lot if we believe THAT.
In the following months, there followed corruption scandals which would make any Third World leader proud. MP's getting cheap
illegal immigrants to do the renovation work on their houses,
false spending during an election to the tune of half a million dollars - which allegation was subsequently upheld by an independant inquiry; after which, Labour now proposes backdating legislation to make such spending LEGAL. If that isn't corruption, what is? Mis-managed public funds for a party's own benefit. Look it up.
Now, she has labelled the leader of the opposition 'cancerous' to NZ's political sphere, for calling Labour corrupt. She has lashed out so virulently, clearly the label fits. 'Methinks she doth protest too much'.
Labour has to go. I am, for one, ashamed of their antics and behaviour. I will be making efforts to help rid NZ of this corruption and arrogance any way I can. My country is too good a place to be let down by this greedy, corrupt and arrogant group of people.