Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A new day

Time for a positive approach to things.

My parents-in-law have arrived back in Malaysia, and it's nice to have them back. For one, it takes a bit of pressure off Diana and myself, especially with the businesses! But really, having familiar faces back again is nice and refreshing - gossip to catch up on, stories to tell etc etc etc.

My information about the Degree in Business I wanted has also arrived, so now able to digest that and get some planning done! Looking forward to studying - some of you might find me a bit of a nutter - and getting some heduca-shee-oan accomplished.

I have also decided on a departure date for us to move back to Godzone. Late December 2008, in time for Xmas we will be in NZ. That is when Kaitlyn will be old enough for school, I will be nearing completion of my degree, and will have at least 4+ years of experience running businesses. It seems to all fit nicely, so no doubt will happen that way. I am happy now a date has been set, although much work needs to be done before then - but thats fine.

Last week was a miserable time. Missed out on all sorts of things, due to a heavy work load. Both of us have missed out on quality time recently with the kids, and I'm working 7 days a week, sometimes 13 hours a day. But so long as we reap the benefits, and there is a rest every so often, I can handle it. It's good for you right? What doesn't kill you... etc etc etc.

My parents seem to be set on coming in June, which is great. I also have about 150 NZ beers coming over for me to enjoy at my leisure - most of which will be my Mum's and my combined birthdays this year. Her 50th and my 30th. Big year. I am getting to understand that old saying of 'you're only as old as you feel' or the alternative saying 'you're only as old as the woman you feel'...

My best mate, Hamish, who couldn't use a computer to save his life, has yet to read my blog - so I can lambast him or praise him at will. At the moment, I have very little to say about him other than klhgljk;sdgkglfajl;dfgajghalkgdglkhg;ajdhgl;fhg;lkasjglk;jglkhprtiurrjggjfdvmcxbn,mznhlkjao.

Love to all, and remeber to comment you bastards!



Chiwi said...

Yeah and we missed out on meeting Marc Camburn!! :(

Philip said...

hey,fun reading this post..=)btw what major do you plan to do for your degree? i supposed it is an distant-learning program...

MadDog said...

Phillip - I haven't decided on my final major yet. I may yet decide to do a Diploma in Business Management, as well as a Certificate in Optical Dispensing at the same time. Both would take around 2 years, and roughly full-time/part-time. It depends on my time availability. If I did the DipBusMan and Cert.OpDis, I would probably end up finishing my Degree in NZ.

Anonymous said...

If you're getting 150 beers does that mean I have to buy 150 bottles of Sprite? Man, and here I am trying to cut down on my sugar intake. Sheesh!